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Ebola – Basic Information

What’s Ebola?
Ebola is a serious infectious disease caused by the Ebola virus which ends in death in more than 50% cases.

Risk Destinations
People flying from West African countries (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) present the greatest risk.

Vaclav Havel Airport Prague has no direct route to or from any of these countries. However, transiting passengers from other destinations with such a direct route also present a risk.

How Is the Ebola Virus Spread?
In contrast to a flu virus, the Ebola virus does not spread by air but only via direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids (i.e., saliva, urine) of the infected person, alive or dead, or infected animals. Transmission of the disease is also possible via unprotected intercourse with a person who has suffered from the disease, during up to seven weeks after cure.

The Ebola virus is not transmitted by accidental contact with people who do not show symptoms of the infection at public places. It is not possible to get the Ebola virus when handling money, food or in a swimming pool.

The incubation period before the symptoms are present ranges from 2 – 21 days.

Symptoms of Ebola Virus Infection
Between 2 to 21 days after infection by the Ebola virus, the person affected can suddenly develop fever, muscle pain, weakness, headache and sore throat.

The ensuing phase of the illness is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash and liver and kidney dysfunction. Some patients also experience internal and external bleeding and multiple organ dysfunction.

No specific vaccination is available against this disease and no specific treatment exists.

It must be noted that other infectious diseases also have such symptoms and the Ebola virus may not be involved.

What To Do If Clear Symptoms Are Present?
If you are at home, contact your attending physician as soon as possible or an emergency medical service and observe their instructions. Try to limit your contact with other people.

If you are at work, first contact the permanent medical service at the airport and observe the instructions of the physician. The Permanent Medical Service (SLS) telephone number is 3301, 3302.

If you discover the symptoms indicated above in other persons present at the airport, please contact Security Dispatching at 1000, 7777.

Stránka byla publikována dne: 14.10.2014

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