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Zajištění cel. dluhu pro jiné režimy než tranzit (ZAJDL_JRT)       Verze :     Číselníky :  
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Ident. Verze Stav Struktura platí od      Do  
ZAJDL_JRT 1 A 18.03.2024 31.12.2999
Schéma (xsd) xml           Aktualizováno: 04.06.2024
Popis strukt. txt           Aktualizováno: 04.06.2024
dbf           Aktualizováno: 04.06.2024
 Zajištění cel. dluhu pro jiné režimy než tranzit (ZAJDL_JRT)   Kvalifikátor země centralizovaného celního řízení (KVALCCR)   Popis (POPIS)   Počátek platnosti (OD)   Konec platnosti (DO)  
CFor guarantee not required for goods carried by fix transport installations (Article 89(8)(b) of the Code)27.01.202431.12.2999
EFor guarantee not required for goods placed under the temporary admission procedure in accordance with Article 81(b) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 (Article 89(8)(c) of the Code)27.01.202431.12.2999
FFor guarantee not required for goods placed under the temporary admission procedure in accordance with Article81(c) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 (Article 89(8)(c) of the Code)27.01.202431.12.2999
GFor guarantee not required for goods placed under the temporary admission procedure in accordance with Article 81(d) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 (Article 89(8)(c) of the Code)27.01.202431.12.2999
IFor individual guarantee in another form which provides equivalent assurance that the amount of import or export duty corresponding to the customs debt and other charges will be paid (Article 92(1)(c) of the Code)27.01.202431.12.2999
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