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General Directorate of Customs (GDC) in cooperation with the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides on this website actual information on system of statistics on trade in goods between the Czech Republic and other EU member states - INTRASTAT-CZ.
Basic information, legal regulations and practical instructions concerning especially methodology of Intrastat can be found on the website of the CZSO.
GDC mainly provides information on data collection for Intrastat-CZ.
For information on electronic data collection
do not hesitate to contact the following persons  from HELPDESK:
Mr.Novotný    tel. +420 261 333 180   e-mail: j.novotny@cs.mfcr.cz
Mr.Kolařík    tel. +420 261 333 181   e-mail: m.kolarik@cs.mfcr.cz

You can also use an e-mail box intrastat@cs.mfcr.cz that was assigned for Intrastat-CZ purposes (questions, remarks, complaints etc.)

For methodical infomation
you can contact following persons from CZSO:
Ms. Trakalová   tel. +420 274 052 802   e-mail:  veronika.trakalova@czso.cz

Information on energy - i.e. information concerning reporting of reporting units that did not achieve the obligation threshold for declaring data for Intrastat and similarly information on reporting of liquid fuels to which it is necessary to assign the statistical code including all contacts, it is  stated in the following link: units not reaching exemption threshold. Up-to-date information on providing of liquid fuels data (Annex No. 2 to the Decree No. 201/2005 Col.) you can find in the following link.

The current version 2.4.0 InstatDesk download here 

Documents and informations for Intrastat respondents
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