Basic information
Place of inspection - map
Václav Havel Airport Prague Maps Airport
Preparation for inspection
- The passenger will hand in a disposable face mask or skin smear for inspection.
Airport piktograms veil
- Skin smear: Rub the gauze material against your skin on your forearm for 20 seconds, then bend your elbow and hold the gauze material pressed in your elbow area for 2 minutes.
- Airport pictograms gause
Inspection by a service dog
- Basic information on the inspection by a service dog specialized in searching for COVID-19:
- Service dogs trained in searching for COVID-19 are used to the presence of people. They are friendly and obedient.
- A service dog is controlled by its dog handler during work.
- During the inspection there is no contact between the dog and the passenger. The dog only sniffs at the passenger's odour sample material (a disposable face mask or a skin smear on sterile gauze), signifying a positive finding by assuming a body posture next to the odour sample material.
Details of inspection:
- After the passport control passengers will be given an information leaflet with details of the inspection by a service dog.
- The inspection will be carried out in the Baggage Reclaim area – conveyor belt 14.
- Each passenger will be given a sterile face mask or gauze for imprinting their odour. 3-5 minutes after that each passenger will be given a plastic cup into which they will insert the odour material. Subsequently they will place the cup into a stand.
- During the inspection of the odour samples the passenger will be standing approximately 4 metres from the stand. A safe distance of at least 2 metres among the passengers will be kept.
- In case of a negative result, the passenger will receive a stamp from a Czech Customs Administration officer onto the information leaflet. After that the passenger may collect their luggage and leave the area, keeping the confirmed leaflet for potential subsequent checks in the arrival hall.
- In case of a positive result, further steps will be set by customs officers and representatives of the Prague Public Health Office.
Flyer for passengers Card for passengers
Methodology of COVID-19 examination of passengers - Prague Public Health Office and Czech Customs Administration
Methodology of COVID-19 examination of passengers
Protective measure against SARS-CoV-2
Prague Public Health Office - contacts:
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – contacts:
(+420) 224 971 111
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic – contacts:
+420 224 181 111
Reference to the Czech version of the Protective measure on the Ministry’s web pages:
Reference to web pages of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic with valid protective measures and the list of countries according to the degree of risk of infection:
Training of dogs
Six service dogs trained for searching for COVID-19
Name: Apy Sex: female Breed: German Shepherd Year of birth: 2018
| Name: Blacky Sex: female Breed: crossbreed Year of birth: 2013
| Name: Kessy Sex: female Breed: crossbreed (German and Belgian Shepherd) Year of birth: 2018
Name: Gismo z Údolí Jizery Sex: male Breed: Belgian Shepherd Malinois Year of birth: 2018
| Name: Irmina ze Soutoku Sázavy Sex: female Breed: Belgian Shepherd Malinois Year of birth: 2019
| Name: Kuky Sex: male Breed: crossbreed Year of birth: 2013
- During the inspection by a service dog there is no danger of infection via the dog. Transmission of infection via or to a dog have not been proved.
- During the inspection dog handlers are protected by a Tyvek coverall, gloves, goggles, face shields or respirators.
- During the inspection there is no contact between the dog and the passenger.