Informace pro cestující
Informationen für Reisende
К сведению пассажиров
1) Goods imported occasionally, solely for personal use or the use of the recipient or the passenger and the members of his/her household, or as a gift are exempted from customs duty:
- up to a value of EUR 430 for persons older than 15 years of age,
- up to a value of EUR 200 for persons up to the age of 15,
- up to a value of EUR 300 for the crew.
Uniform duty tariff: A uniform duty tariff of 2.5% is used for goods contained in the personal luggage of passengers, provided the value of the goods does not exceed EUR 700.
• These limits do not apply for alcohol and tobacco products.
2) Import of tobacco and tobacco products by passengers (does not apply for persons younger than 17) is duty-free, when the amount of the goods does not exceed:
- 200 cigarettes, or
- 100 cigarillos (up to 3 grams / piece), or
- 50 cigars, or
- 250 g tobacco (for smoking), or
- 100 g heated tobacco products (17 packs - 1 pack contains 6 g of tobacco),
or a proportionate combination of these products, as far as the final amount of the goods does not exceed 100 % of the limit.
3) Import of alcohol and alcoholic beverages by passengers (does not apply for persons younger than 17) is duty-free, when the amount of the goods does not exceed:
- 1 litre of alcoholic beverage with an actual alcohol content of over 22% by volume; ethanol with an actual alcohol content of 80% by volume or more, or
- 2 litres of distilled liquors or spirits, aperitifs produced from wine or alcohol, tafia, saké or similar beverages with an actual alcohol content not exceeding 22% by volume, sparkling wines, fortified wines,
- a proportionate combination of these products, as far as the final amount of the goods does not exceed 100 % of the limit,
- 4 litres of non-sparkling wine,
- 16 litres of beer.
Import of alcoholic beverages (with ethanol content of 22% by volume and more) without the Czech control stamp is limited by maximum 10 litres of end products of spirits according to directly applicable EU regulations providing for the definition and description of spirits.
4) Duty-free import of medicine:
Import of medicine is duty-free when the imported amount corresponds to the passenger´s personal use and the length of his/her stay in the territory of the Czech Republic or of the EU.
1) Veterinary goods, animals
The import of live animals and animal products into the territory of the EU is governed by EU law and national law and is, in principle, permitted only after a veterinary examination is performed at the border (with appropriate results) and the related fee is paid, and with the prescribed veterinary documents. The Customs Authority will release at most 5 imported animals into the proposed customs regime, if the passenger duly presents a confirmation issued by an official veterinarian or, in the case of re-import, a passport.
2) Protected animals and plants – the CITES Convention
Import is possible only if the terms of the CITES Convention are satisfied and with a permit issued in the country of export and a permit issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.
3) Weapons, ammunition, explosives
Firearms, sporting weapons, hunting weapons or historical weapons, and ammunition for such weapons (hereinafter “weapons”) may be permanently imported into the territory of the Czech Republic only with an import permit, which is understood to mean a weapons accompanying document. Weapons accompanying documents are issued by the local police directorate in the place of residence of a natural person, or abroad by a Czech embassy. Weapons may be temporarily imported, held or worn in the territory of the Czech Republic, or transported through the territory of the Czech Republic only with a weapons accompanying document. Weapons accompanying documents for weapons transit may be issued upon application by a Czech embassy. Only organisations may be issued with a permit for passing on and taking receipt of explosives (import, transit), according to section 25, subsection 2 of the Act no. 61/1988 Sb.
4) Addictive substances
Any physical movement of addictive substances from the territory of one state to another (within the EU) is possible only with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic; transit through Czech territory is possible only with an export permit issued by the appropriate authority of the state of origin of the consignment.
5) Plant material and goods of vegetable origin
Import of plants and products of vegetable origin in the territory of the EU is governed by EU law and national law and is, in principle, possible only after an import phyto-sanitary examination has been performed. The list of plants for which a phytosanitary certificate is not required is set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/2072, Annex XI, Part C.
6) Financial means and highly valuable goods
Natural persons travelling from states that are not EU member states are obliged to notify the customs authority in writing of the import of legal tender in Czech and other currencies, travellers cheques or postal orders exchangeable for cash, securities (bearer paper / order paper) and further means of investment that are signed, but without the name of the recipient, coins with a gold content of 90 % or more and high purity bullion such as bars, nuggets or lumps with a gold content of at least 99,5 % or more, worth a total EUR 10,000 or more. This notification duty must also be fulfilled by natural persons who import to the EU territory investment means worth a total EUR 10,000 continuously over 12 months. This notification duty must also be fulfilled by natural persons transporting financial means belonging to a legal person, as far as the person holds the financial means when crossing the border. The notification form to fill in is available by customs offices or at the website of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic.
There is no limit on the quantity of exported goods, with the exception of goods the export of which is restricted according to special regulations.
1) Cultural assets
Export is possible only with the permission of the appropriate state authorities, primarily under the act on the sale and export of items of cultural value. The permit is presented to the customs authorities for confirmation.
2) Protected animals and plants – the CITES Convention
Export is possible only if the conditions of the CITES Convention are satisfied and with the appropriate permit. The principal supervisory authority of state administration is the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.
3) Money and highly valuable commodities
Natural persons travelling from states that are not EU member states are obliged to notify the customs authority in writing of the import of legal tender in Czech and other currencies, travellers cheques or postal orders exchangeable for cash, securities (bearer paper / order paper) and further means of investment that are signed, but without the name of the recipient, coins with a gold content of 90 % or more and high purity bullion such as bars, nuggets or lumps with a gold content of at least 99,5 % or more, worth a total EUR 10,000 or more. This notification duty must also be fulfilled by natural persons who import to the EU territory investment means worth a total EUR 10,000 continuously over 12 months. This notification duty must also be fulfilled by natural persons transporting financial means belonging to a legal person, as far as the person holds the financial means when crossing the border. The notification form to fill in is available by customs offices or at the website of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic.
4) Weapons, ammunition, explosives
Firearms, sporting weapons, hunting weapons or historical weapons, and ammunition for such weapons (hereinafter “weapons”) may be permanently exported out of the territory of the Czech Republic only with an export permit, which is understood to mean a weapons accompanying document, and with a permission of the state of destination. Weapons accompanying documents are issued by the local police directorate in the place of residence of a natural person, or, for foreigners who are not resident in the territory of the Czech Republic, the local police directorate in the place of business of the entrepreneur from which the weapon is to be bought. Permits to pass on and take receipt of explosives may only be issued to organisations, according to section 25, subsection 2 of the Act no. 61/1988 Sb.
5) Addictive substances
Export is possible only with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
6) VAT refund
In the event of export of goods by natural persons whose customary residence is outside the EU, refund of value added tax may be claimed for purchased goods pursuant to the (CZ) Act on VAT, using the receipt (the evidence about the purchase) which the passenger presents together with the goods to the customs authorities for confirmation. The receipt must include, except for other obligatory formalities, the sign “VAT REFUND” and “COPY”.
Information for Passengers.pdf