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KODUDAL 1 A 27.09.2023 01.12.2999
Schéma (xsd) xml           Aktualizováno: 21.10.2023
Popis strukt. txt           Aktualizováno: 21.10.2023
dbf           Aktualizováno: 21.10.2023
  [ 42 ]  
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1The carrier is obliged to deviate from the itinerary prescribed in accordance with Article 298 of UCC/IA Regulation due to circumstances beyond his control.08.02.202110.01.2022
1The carrier is obliged to deviate from the itinerary prescribed in accordance with Article 298 of UCC/IA Regulation due to circumstances beyond his control.11.01.202228.01.2022
1The carrier is obliged to deviate from the itinerary prescribed in accordance with Article 298 of UCC/IA Regulation due to circumstances beyond his control.29.01.202218.10.2022
1The carrier is obliged to deviate from the itinerary prescribed in accordance with Article 298 of UCC/IA Regulation due to circumstances beyond his control.19.10.202207.12.2022
1dopravce je nucen odchýlit se od trasy stanovené v souladu s článkem 298 tohoto nařízení v důsledku okolností, které nemohl ovlivnit;08.12.202205.10.2023
1dopravce je nucen odchýlit se od trasy stanovené v souladu s článkem 298 tohoto nařízení v důsledku okolností, které nemohl ovlivnit;06.10.202313.10.2023
1dopravce je nucen odchýlit se od trasy stanovené v souladu s článkem 298 tohoto nařízení v důsledku okolností, které nemohl ovlivnit;14.10.202331.12.2999
2Seals are broken or tampered with in the course of a transport operation for reasons beyond the carrier's control.08.02.202110.01.2022
2Seals are broken or tampered with in the course of a transport operation for reasons beyond the carrier's control.11.01.202228.01.2022
2Seals are broken or tampered with in the course of a transport operation for reasons beyond the carrier's control.29.01.202218.10.2022
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